Giving Day 2023

About Giving Day

Giving Tuesday kicks off our Christmas Giving Drive for the DA Annual Fund. Our main goal is PARTICIPATION! As incentives, every donor will receive a DA key chain and we will have a $25 Visa gift card drawing each time we hit another $1,000 level. No gift is too small and we appreciate each and every donation to our school.

Did you know that tuition dollars only cover 90% of private school budgets? The DA Annual Fund is used to bridge the gap between our budgeted annual tuition dollars and other expenses that come up during the year that are not accounted for in the budget.

Why are all needs not in the budget? DA's school budget changes each year based on enrollment. Our tuition dollars cover teacher and administrative salaries and the day-to-day operations of our campus, but not expenses that go beyond that.

How will I know what my donation is spent on?
With the money we raise this year for our Annual Fund, we will concentrate on updating our libraries and we will purchase STEAM materials for all grade levels. We feel like it is important for our donors to KNOW where their donations are being used and then SEE it in action. In the past, we have used Annual Fund dollars to repair our roof, add a new bus to our fleet, and update the front offices of both buildings.

Thank you so much for supporting Davidson Academy - it truly is a special place and it is because of people like YOU!